A farmhouse sink is typically a large tub with an exposed lip that hangs over the front of your cabinet. A farmhouse sink has a lot of exposed porcelain. Scratches on the porcelain will be even more visible than other sinks. While a farmhouse sink is often used to add rustic charm to a kitchen, scratches will quickly downgrade the sink from rustic to run-down. Spruce up your farmhouse sink with by patching the scratches and damaged areas.

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Things You'll Need
Epoxy Primer
Bonding Agent
Trisodium Phosphate
Acrylic Topcoat
Paper Towels
Palm Sander
Step 1
Combine trisodium phosphate (TSP) and water in the ratios recommended on the TSP packaging. Spray the solution on the front and inside of the sink. Scrub thoroughly with a rag.
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Step 2
Sand the sink with a palm sander and medium-grit sandpaper to create a smooth surface for the epoxy primer. Remove sanding dust with a damp cloth.
Step 3
Take the medium grit paper off the sander and replace with fine grit paper. Sand the sink again. Remove the sanding dust with a damp rag.
Step 4
Rub a thin coat of bonding agent onto the sink surface with a paper towel. Allow the bonding agent to dry for five minutes.
Step 5
Apply epoxy primer to the sink with a good-quality paintbrush. Fill the brush with enough paint to coat the brush without dripping. Apply the primer in a thin, even coat, lifting the brush before it begins to make brush lines. Paint the entire sink. Let the first coat dry.
Step 6
Run a piece of fine grit sandpaper under water. Buff out any imperfections in the sink's surface with the sandpaper. Wipe out the sink with a clean towel.
Step 7
Paint the sink with a second coat of epoxy primer, using the same method used to apply the first. Let the second coat dry.
Step 8
Apply acrylic topcoat over the epoxy primer. Brush on two to three thin layers of topcoat. Let each coat dry completely before applying the next one. Give the topcoat a day or two to set properly.
Re-coating the sink is the best way to resurface the porcelain and cover scratches. You can also fix just the scratches by using a patch kit. However, it can be difficult to match the color of an older sink exactly with a patch kit.