Things You'll Need
Glass jars
Syrup filter
Rubber bands

Maple sap is a naturally occurring substance in maple trees. Perhaps the most common use for maple sap is the production of maple syrup, which is essentially sap with a lower water content. This product can be expensive in stores, so if you're fortunate enough to have your own maple trees, it's best to collect your own sap at harvest time and store it for later use. Maple sap storage can be a hassle-free process when done properly.
Step 1
Turn the sap to syrup, if desired. Pour the sap in a large pot and put it on the stove at medium heat until the moisture level reaches 66 percent, or when the boiling point of the liquid is 215 degrees Fahrenheit. For best results, use a candy thermometer to check the temperature.
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Step 2
Set out clean glass jars on the counter top. Cover each jar with a sheet of cloth syrup filter, but leave a bit of slack in the middle. The filter should dip down about ½ inch in the center of the jar. Wrap rubber bands around the lips of the jars to keep the filters in place.
Step 3
Pour the sap, or syrup, into the filter of a jar. Pour slowly to ensure it doesn't pour over the top of the jar. If you made syrup, pour it in the jar while it's between 180 and 190 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat can help create a vacuum seal in the jar.
Step 4
Put the lid on the jar immediately after you fill it. Repeat the process for all additional jars.
Step 5
Store the jars in a refrigerator for up to a year. If you have a large supply that you feel will last longer than a year, store it in a freezer for up to 18 months.
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