Birthday party decorations set the mood for the entire event. Celebrating a milestone birthday, such as the 75th, requires something beyond the ordinary balloons and streamers. Because a 75-year-old has lived through three-quarters of a century, he likely has quite a few memorable moments and interests. Decorate the tables for a 75th birthday celebration to complement the theme and colors of the party, as well as to honor the birthday celebrant's life.

Video of the Day
Things You'll Need
Spray Paint (Optional)
Sand Or Rocks
Pins Or Tape
Tree of Life
Step 1
Fill a large container with sand or rocks for balance and stability. Decorate the container with tissue paper, wrapping paper or other decorations, such as a homemade "Happy 75th Birthday" sign, if the container is unattractive.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Spraypaint branches or twigs silver, gold, blue, red or any color that complements the party theme or color scheme. Allow the paint to completely dry.
Step 3
Arrange the branches in the container, inserting them into the sand or rocks so they stay in place.
Step 4
Drape strings of crystals or twinkly lights around the branches. Count out the crystals so there are 75 on each centerpiece "tree" to represent each year of the celebrant's life. Use rhinestones if you want to mimic diamonds, which are connected to 75th anniversaries.
Step 5
Pin or tape your favorite photos of the birthday celebrant's life to the tree. Use 75 small photos if there's room or larger photos from her childhood to share each stage of her life with guests, such as her first day of school, graduation, wedding and with activities with her children and grandchildren.
75 Things About You
Step 1
Arrange pictures inside a large, clear container so the pictures face out. Two or three pictures should fit, depending on their size.
Step 2
Tape the pictures inside the jar so they stay in place.
Step 3
Write the title of the jar on a piece of paper to go in the jar, above the pictures. For example, "75 Things About You," "75 Memories" or "75 Wishes for You." Each table can have a different title.
Step 4
Put out 75 slips of paper with pens or pencils for guests to write out thoughts that correspond with the jars. Ask guests to put finished papers inside the appropriate jar, providing the birthday celebrant with heartfelt remembrances from friends and family.
Invite guests to fill out more than one slip of paper if you don't have 75 guests. Fill containers with 75 small items that represent the birthday celebrant's life if you don't want to involve guests. For example, put in a few of his favorite candies and toys from childhood, a toy replica of his first car or a golf ball.