Things You'll Need
Bamboo floor cleaner
Mineral spirits
Wood stain pen
Bamboo wood filler
Plastic putty knife
Wood stain
Polyurethane sealant
Natural bristled brush

Bamboo flooring is a strong surface, durable and easy to maintain. Over time, though, the bamboo boards can develop scratches that mar both the look and integrity of the material. Removing the scratches is an important maintenance issue, as any debris that lodges within the scratch can expand the damage, turning a minor scratch into a gouge, and a gouge into a split through a floorboard. Repairing the board can solve the issue, stopping damage in its place and restoring the look of the bamboo floor.
Step 1
Wash the floor using a cleanser specifically created for use with bamboo floors. Use a damp mop for washing, but take care not to saturate the wood with the water. Pat the floor dry with a cloth.
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Step 2
Sand any lightly scratched areas, in which the scratch is barely noticeable and is only on the floor's surface, with fine-grit sandpaper to remove any ridges on the scratch. Remove sanding residue with a cloth dampened in mineral spirits. Color in the scratched area with a wood stain pen the same color as the bamboo so that it matches the surrounding surface.
Step 3
Sand down the edges of larger scratches and gouges located in the floor with fine-grit sandpaper until the edges lie smoothly with the surrounding flooring. Using a plastic putty knife, fill in the deeper scratch or gouge with bamboo wood filler the same color as the floor. Level the filler with the knife so that the top of the scratch or gouge is smooth in relation with the rest of the flooring. Buff the surface of the filler with a cloth to smooth it further and then wait two hours for the material to set. Sand the filler with fine-grit sandpaper to remove any rough surface.
Step 4
Stain the patched scratches with wood stain that matches the rest of your floor's surface. Brush the stain in a light layer over the patch using a paintbrush, working with the grain of the wood, and then allow the stain to dry for 24 hours.
Step 5
Seal the repaired areas with a coat of polyurethane sealant to protect the patch. Apply a thin coating of the sealant with a natural bristled brush and allow it to dry overnight. Apply a thicker coating of the sealant the next day and allow it to dry a second night before using the floor.
Always sand the floor with the grain of the wood.
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