How to Keep Homemade Caramels From Sticking

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Things You'll Need

  • Wax paper

  • Parchment paper

  • Powdered sugar

  • Cocoa powder

  • Chocolate

Homemade caramels are a simple treat you can serve as a dessert or give as a gift during the holidays. Unfortunately, unlike store-bought dried caramels, homemade caramels are sticky and require individual wrapping in order to package them together. Alternatives to candy wrappers include different caramel coatings such as chocolate or powdered sugar to keep the candies from sticking together. Stickiness is a good sign in homemade caramels--it means they are chewy and fresh.


Step 1

Roll the caramels in powdered sugar. Homemade caramels by nature are sticky, therefore unless they are dried out, they will stick to each other. If you plan to place the caramels in a bowl, roll them in powdered sugar or cocoa powder as you would do with a chocolate truffle. The powder coats each piece of caramel and prevents it from sticking to the others. Rolling caramels in powdered sugar, however, does change the flavor.

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Step 2

Individually wrap the caramels in wax paper wrappers. Wrapping each caramel in its own wrapper is the best non-invasive way of keeping them from sticking to each other when jumbled in a group. Cut small squares out of wax paper and place the caramel in the center. Fold two opposing sides over the caramel and twist the remaining two sides to keep the wrapper in place.


Step 3

Cover the caramels in chocolate. Like powdered sugar, chocolate can be used to coat caramels to give them a skin that prevents sticking. However, chocolate-covered caramels have a completely different taste and texture than plain caramels. To cover in chocolate, temper your chocolate or use melting candy chocolate and dip each cut caramel into the hot chocolate using a fork. Allow the chocolate-covered caramels to dry completely on a piece of parchment paper.


Step 4

Layer the caramels in a container with parchment paper, with sheets of the paper between each layer. Line the bottom of the container or tin with paper and place the caramels on the paper, with a small space in between. Layer a piece of parchment paper on top of the caramels and put down a new row. Repeat until the container or tin is full.


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