Files with an "HUS" suffix are graphic embroidery files used in Husqvarna Viking sewing machines. This brand of sewing machine can be loaded with files that enable them to create custom embroidery. If you download an embroidery file from the Internet or receive an embroidery clip art disc but find it is in the JPEG image file format, you must convert the file to the HUS format before using it in your Husqvarna Viking sewing machine.
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Step 1
Purchase and install the "Buzz2Stitch" digitizing software.
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Step 2
Launch the Buzz2Stitch program. Click the "Browse" button in the "Graphic File" area and locate the JPEG file on your computer. Click the file name to select it, then click "Open."
Step 3
Click to select "HUS - Husqvarna/Viking" from the "Embroidery Output File" area.
Step 4
Click the "Next" button and set the graphics file placement options. Click "Next." Click to select an embroidery type and graphics detail adjustment level. Click "Next" and select a style default option that matches the type of JPEG file you are converting. Click "Next" and adjust the options for the chosen style.
Step 5
Click to choose a cloth type from the drop-down menu. Click the "Finish" button to convert the JPEG to the HUS file format.
Step 1
Download and install the "BuzzXplore" software.
Step 2
Launch the "BuzzXplore" program. Click the "Continue Trial" button, if necessary. Click "Close" to dismiss the "Tips" dialog box.
Step 3
Browse to the directory that contains the JPEG file you want to convert in the "Explore Folder" pane. Click and drag the JPEG file from the upper right pane to the bottom "Holding Area" pane.
Step 4
Click the "BuzzTools" menu and select "Convert Embroidery Files..." Click to choose "Selected Files" from the "Files to Convert" section. Select an option from the "If Converted Files Exist" section. Choose "HUS - Viking Husqvarna" from the "Convert to" drop-down menu. Select an option from the "Place Converted Files In" section. Choose an output folder, if necessary.
Step 5
Click the "Finish" button to convert the JPEG file into the HUS file format.