Pella sells two types of windows: casement- and awning-style windows and double-hung windows. Casement-and-awning windows have a single sash that can be hinged open with a crank. Double-hung windows have two sashes that can be slid up and down. According to the owner's manual, the products can be enhanced by purchasing convenience features such as high-transparency screens and cordless blinds.
Step 1
Lift the sash lock to unlock the casement and awning windows. Pull out the fold-away handle and begin turning it to open the window.
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Step 2
Unlock the sash on the top of the lower sash to open Pella double-hung windows. You can open the top or bottom windows, or both, if you prefer. To improve air circulation, the designer recommends opening each sash a couple of inches.
Step 3
Lock Pella windows when not in use. According to the owner's manual, the window sashes can tilt under pressure if left unlocked.
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