How to Make a Replica of the Seattle Space Needle

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Things You'll Need

  • 3 large, white Styrofoam discs

  • 1 medium, black Styrofoam disc

  • 1 small, white Styrofoam disc

  • 4 pliable, 10-inch to 12-inch bamboo rods

  • 1 medium, 6-inch to 8-inch dowel rod

  • 1 1/2-inch-long dowel rod

  • White spray paint

  • Teal paint

  • Red paint

  • Small paint brush

  • Glue

  • 4-inch-by-4-inch white block of Styrofoam

Build a replica Space Needle for a project representing Seattle, Washington.

The Seattle Space Needle was built for the 1962 Seattle World's Fair. The Space Needle is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the state of Washington and is a major tourist destination for those visiting Seattle. If you or your children are looking for a way to represent Washington State in a craft project, a model Space Needle may be just what you're looking for.


Step 1

Build the legs and middle support of the Space Needle: Spray paint the bamboo and dowel rods white; two coats may be necessary for even paint distribution. Once the paint is dry, glue the middle of the four bamboo rods to the dowel rod -- make sure the bamboo is evenly spaced so the model will stand straight on even ground. You will leave about 3 inches of each bamboo rod unattached from the dowel rod, bent out about 40 to 45 degrees

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Step 2

Stick the rods through the 4-inch-by-4-inch block of Styrofoam until they are flush with the outside bottom of the block. To ensure the rods will stay in place, remove them and place a small amount of glue in each hole. Replace the rods and let the glue set.

Step 3

Complete the Space Needle base: About two-thirds of the way up the base, bend the bamboo rods out slightly so you can attach them to one of the large Styrofoam discs. Again, stick the bamboo through the Styrofoam first, flush to the outside, then remove the disc and place glue in the holes. Replace the disc and allow the glue to dry.


Step 4

Glue the medium black disc on top of the disc attached to the base. This black disc will represent the restaurant and observatory at the top of the Space Needle.

Step 5

Glue a large white disc on top of the black disc. Let the the model dry completely.


Step 6

Paint the remaining small Styrofoam disc teal and the 1/2-inch-long dowel rod red. Let them dry completely.

Step 7

Stick the red dowel rod through the teal Styrofoam disc, flush with the bottom of the disc.

Step 8

Glue the teal disc and red dowel rod pair to the top of your Space Needle model. This will cap off your model.


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