Things You'll Need
2 buckets
2 large cookie sheets
2 dish towels
Tap water
Amaranth seeds

Beer brewed with Amaranth is safe for those with celiac disease, is gluten-free and is a rarely used ingredient in American beers. Amaranth, an ancient grain used by the Aztecs and enjoyed in Central and South America, is relatively easy to obtain.
Sprouting Amaranth Seeds
Step 1
Purchase 10 to 20 pounds of Amaranth seeds.
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Step 2
Split your seeds in half between the two buckets.
Step 3
Cover the seeds with cool tap water up to one-half inch above the seeds.
Step 4
Cover each bucket with a damp towel.
Step 5
Change the water every eight hours or the sprouts can die or go moldy.
Step 6
Store in the coolest and darkest place in your house for 24 hours.
Step 7
Spread the wet seeds on cookie sheets, and cover with towels to keep moist.
Step 8
Allow the seeds grow to 1/4 inch in length, six to 48 hours.
Step 9
Adjust the oven to the lowest setting and remove towels.
Step 10
Place the cookie sheets in the oven.
Step 11
Allow the sprouts dry out slowly; checking every 30 minutes. The point is to dry them, not cook them.
Toasting Amaranth and Brewing
Step 1
Cook dried and sprouted seeds on cookie sheets for 10 minutes at 150 degrees Fahrenheit for a Pilsner malt, 250 degrees for an amber malt, 325 degrees for a dark malt, and 400 degrees or higher for a chocolate malt. This cooking requires experimentation, observation and patience. Please try small batches until you master your oven temperature.
Step 2
Select your favorite beer recipe. Kolsh, Cream Ale, Honey Brown or any other light ales or lagers are appropriate choices for this ingredient.
Step 3
Convert a standard barley or wheat beer recipe by multiplying the barley or wheat grains by 2.0 to 2.5, as it will take more Amaranth to make the brew than it would wheat or barley.
Find Amaranth seeds online, at farmer's markets or at feed stores.
Add agave nectar or honey to boost flavor and alcohol.
Add Amaranth to standard barley-based beer for a light-tasting additive.
Select your brewing adjuncts carefully when brewing for people with celiac disease. Many ingredients, including certain brewer’s yeasts, contain wheat/barley products and even trace amounts can be harmful.
Purchase only feed grain and never seed grain; seed grain may contain pesticides and insecticides.
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