Things You'll Need
Liquid dish soap or mild liquid detergent
Degreaser (optional)
Floor polisher
Concrete polishing pads
Acrylic Floor polish

You can polish a concrete garage floor to a brilliant shine. Polished garage floors resist staining and are easier to clean. The polish also makes the floor more light reflective to brighten up a darker garage. Acrylic floor polish is designed for use on hard floor surfaces like stone and concrete. The polish actually creates a clear layer of protection for the bare concrete surface. Upgrade your garage floor with an effective polishing.
Step 1
Sweep the concrete garage floor to remove all the loose debris from the surface.
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Step 2
Mop the concrete surface with a soapy mop. Clean any grease stains and oil puddles with a degreaser cleaner. Rinse the mop out and wipe down the floor until all the soap is cleaned away.
Step 3
Attach a concrete polishing pad to the floor polisher. Wait until the floor is completely dry to begin the polishing process. Plug in the polishing unit.
Step 4
Pour a cup of acrylic floor polish on the garage floor in front of the polisher. Turn the polisher on the slowest speed and distribute the polish evenly with the spinning brush. Pour more polish in front of the polisher as needed to cover the floor in a thin layer.
Step 5
Switch out to a concrete buffing brush once the acrylic floor polish is dry. Increase the brush speed on the floor polisher gradually as the floor polish begins to shine. Bring the concrete to an even, high-gloss finish before turning off the floor polisher.
Commercial floor polishing units have larger pads that cover greater surface areas in less time. Many equipment rental companies offer the commercial varieties.
Polished concrete can be very slippery. Wear shoes on the surface at all times to avoid slip and fall injuries.
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