Polaris automatic pool cleaners navigate over pool surfaces while sucking up leaves and other small debris. Polaris cleaners run off of the pressure caused by pool water returning to the pool from the pump. Leaks in the Polaris cleaner cause a loss of pressure that hinders the sweep's ability to clean the pool bottom. Leaks in the Polaris occur in the joints of the Polaris hose, the backup valve attached to the hose, or in the hose tubing.
Step 1
Turn on the pool pump and filter to provide water flow to the Polaris. Wait one minute to allow the water to fully circulate through the Polaris system.
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Step 2
Lift the Polaris cleaner's hose out of the pool. Search the swivels that connect each section of hose together for leaks. If more than a small trickle of water escapes form the connections the swivels need replacing.
Step 3
Lift the acorn-shaped backup valve out of the pool and point the small nozzle on its middle away from yourself. A jet of water comes out of the nozzle every few minutes to back the cleaner up. Water coming out of the backup valve more often than every few minutes indicates a leak in the valve's interior.
Step 4
Run your hands slowly over the tubing that makes up the Polaris hose. Check for areas with pinholes of tears. Small air bubbles gathering on the surface of the tubing generally indicate a small leak in that area of the hose.
Perform regular maintenance on your Polaris weekly to avoid leaks and other problems caused by little handling of the sweep.
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