How to do Lamasa Art

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Lamasa is a clay like substance, made by mixing and heating commonly available ingredients, such as corn flour. It is used to create flowers, figures and objects such as paper clips, pencil caps, napkin holders, decorative, jewelry and tumblers.

Lamasa is an easy craft used to make objects such as this.

It looks and behaves like air-dry clay, such as ceramic and craft porcelain clay. It is soft and smooth to touch and has a clear white appearance. You can either add color to the Lamasa dough before creating shapes or paint the objects after wards.


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Things You'll Need

  • Aluminum Vessel

  • Airtight Container

  • 1/2 Lime Juice

  • 1/2 Tbsp Zinc Oxide Powder

  • 1/2 Cup Craft Glue

  • Clear Wrap

  • Acrylic Colors

  • Oil-Based Cold Cream

  • 1/2 Cup Corn Flour

  • 1 Tbsp Glycerin

Dough Recipe

Step 1

Sieving the dry ingredients removes any potential lumps.

Sift the flour and zinc oxide powder in a bowl.

Step 2

Glue acts as a binder for the ingredients and helps create a smooth dough.

Add glue, lime juice and glycerin.


Step 3

Mix everything well. Stir in one direction only, until there are no lumps.

Step 4

Set an aluminum vessel on medium heat.

Step 5

Add the mix to the vessel, stirring all the time. The vessel should not get too hot.


Step 6

Stir for about two minutes until the dough stops sticking to the vessel.

Step 7

Remove the dough from the vessel and roll it into a ball.

Step 8

Wrap the dough with clear wrap and store in an airtight container.


Adding Color and Creating Shapes

Step 1

Acrylic paints are easily available at craft or school supplies stores.

Apply some cold cream to your palms.



Step 2

Take a small amount of dough in your palm and add the desired acrylic paint.

Step 3

Knead gently with your thumb until the color is evenly mixed with the dough. You may add more color to achieve the desired shade.


Step 4

Use more cold cream on your palm or add to the dough to make it easier to roll and knead. Continue kneading until the dough is evenly-colored.

Making Shapes

Step 1

Lamasa can be used to create porcelain like animal figures.

Rub a small amount of cold cream in to your palm.


Step 2

You can create shapes, such as this ceramic chicken, with Lamasa.

Break a small piece of the lamasa dough. Knead it a little in your hands to make it smooth.

Step 3

Shape the dough in desired shapes like petals, leaves, faces, animals, vegetables, fruits and beads.

Step 4

This porcelain flower can be replicated in Lamasa.

Leave the objects exposed to air overnight. They will dry hard and smooth, by morning.


Step 5

Lamasa can be used to decorate objects such as, this clock.

Stick the lamasa objects on paper clips, napkin holders, mugs and mirrors to decorate them with glue. You can stick the lamasa objects, before they dry without glue by pressing them against a clean surface.

Step 6


Handle the dough carefully, when trying to remove it from the vessel. It might be hot. Use cold cream whenever you think the dough is drying or getting difficult to work with. Coat the finished product with two coats of lacquer to make it water resistant and shiny.


Do not overheat the dough, or it will lose moisture. Do not expose unused dough to air. Keep it sealed in an airtight container when not in use.
