Things You'll Need
Rubbing alcohol
Paper towels
Plastic wrap
Masking tape
Warm water
Liquid dish soap
A simple coat of fresh paint can make any kitchen look like it has been remodeled. Some people carry the idea further and will paint over appliances, too. This can add a bright accent, but is not a good idea if the paint was applied to any surface used for food preparation. Latex paint can easily scrape off and contaminate food or create unsafe fumes when heated. Remove latex that was painted over enamel food preparation surfaces before using them.
Step 1
Pour an inch of rubbing alcohol into a cup. Use a paintbrush to "paint" the latex with a coating of the rubbing alcohol.
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Step 2
Soak a paper towel in the rubbing alcohol and lay it over the latex paint. Cover the towel with plastic wrap and tape the edges of the wrap down to make it airtight. Wait at least one hour to allow the alcohol to break down the latex paint.
Step 3
Remove the tape, plastic wrap and paper towel.
Step 4
Soak a clean paper towel in warm water mixed with a small amount of liquid dish soap. Wipe the latex paint off the enamel and then dry the surface.
Rub off small spots of paint with the tip of a finger. A fingernail will not scratch the surface of the enamel and it will lessen the size of the area that will need to be cleaned.
Never use any kind of paint thinner, solvent or petroleum-based solvent to remove latex paint from an enamel surface; it will remove the paint and damage the enamel.
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