How to Apply Stucco Over DensGlass

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Things You'll Need

  • Paper-backed metal lathe

  • Trowel

  • Staple gun

  • Metal shears

You can install stucco over DensGlass for a long lasting finish.

DensGlass exterior sheathing is a paperless board that prevents moisture wicking and the interior of your home from becoming exposed to the elements. This product provides a superior foundation for stucco because it does not expand and contract, which can cause the stucco to crack (as other substrates can). You can apply stucco to DensGlass yourself, using some basic tools.


Step 1

Cover the surface of the Densglass with metal lathe. Using a staple gun, staple the lathe onto the DensGlass and cut the excess around corners and windows using metal shears.

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Step 2

Mix the stucco according to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not make too large a batch or it may end up drying before you can use it all.


Step 3

Trowel the stucco on top of the DensGlass using a mason's trowel. Here, you create different patterns in the surface or smooth everything to provide an even surface.

Step 4

Apply stucco to the entire face of the wall that you are working on. This will ensure that the stucco completely sticks to itself and creates an entire one-piece wall of stucco. Allow the wall to dry per the manufacturer's instructions before applying any paint to the surface.


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