How to Dehydrate Potato Chips

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Things You'll Need

  • Whole potatoes

  • Vegetable brush

  • Vegetable peeler

  • Lemon juice

  • Cooking oil spray

  • Mesh dehydrator sheets

  • Seasonings

  • Food dehydrator

  • Airtight container

  • Storage bag

Potato chips are thinly sliced potatoes that are baked, fried or dehydrated. They serve as a side dish, snack or appetizer. Potato chips are available in many different flavors in grocery stores. Instead of purchasing potato chips from the store, you can make your own at home with a food dehydrator. You can season dehydrated potato chips to suit your personal tastes, and they will not contain preservatives and other additives.


Step 1

Select fresh and ripe potatoes that are firm. Avoid potatoes that have green areas or sprouts. You can use virtually any potato such as Yukon Golds and Yellow Finns.

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Step 2

Scrub the potatoes with a vegetable brush. Rinse them under cool water to remove any dirt and debris.


Step 3

Peel the potatoes with a vegetable peeler. Slice them into even and thin slices. Slice them as thin as possible for best results, but ensure that all the slices are even so that they dehydrate evenly.


Step 4

Dip the potatoes into lemon juice. This will prevent them from discoloring.


Step 5

Place the potato slices onto a mesh dehydrator sheet in a single layer. Spray with cooking oil. Sprinkle any desired seasonings such as salt or pepper over the potato slices.



Step 6

Follow the manual that comes with your food dehydrator to ensure that you use it properly. Dehydrate the potato slices at 110 degrees Fahrenheit for several hours or until they are dried completely. The slices are dried when they break in half crisply instead of bending.Spray


Step 7

Allow the potato chips to cool completely. Store them in an airtight container or storage bag.


You can leave the skin on the potatoes if you desire.


If you do not allow the potato chips to fully dehydrate, they may spoil in two to three days.


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