Like many nut trees, pecan trees of many varieties can be grown throughout the United States. Since nut trees are relatively easy to maintain once they are established, and provide an edible harvest of nuts, many people choose to add them to their landscaping. If you live in Texas, you may encounter a wide variety of pecan trees, because many different types of pecan trees can be grown throughout the state.
Step 1
Narrow down the type of pecan trees by the region in Texas in which the trees are located. Different types of pecan trees flourish in different parts of Texas. Varieties of pecan tree commonly grown in eastern Texas, according to Texas A&M University, include Caddo, Cape Fear, Cheyenne, Desirable, Forkert, Oconee and Pawnee. In western Texas, commonly grown varieties include Cheyenne, Western and Wichita. In the panhandle and the northern part of the state, common pecan tree varieties include Caddo, Osage and Pawnee.
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Step 2
Consider the shape of the trees branches. A couple of types of Texas pecan trees have a natural, noticeable "V" shape to the branches, according to Texas A&M. Pecan trees with "V"-shaped branches include Desirable, more commonly found in eastern Texas, and Wichita, more commonly found in western Texas.
Step 3
Note the size of the trees limbs. According to Texas A&M, a few different varieties of pecan trees grown in Texas have especially strong, sturdy limbs. These varieties include Caddo, Cape Fear, Sioux and Mohawk.
Step 4
Watch for nut production in the tree. Some Texas pecan trees produce and ripen nuts earlier in the year than others. Early producers include Caddo, Pawnee, Mohawk and Shoshoni.
Step 5
Look for differences between the trees you want to identify and other surrounding pecan trees to find uncommon traits. Desirable trees, for instance, have a lighter green foliage than most pecan trees, according to Texas A&M, Sioux trees grow especially small pecans and Tejas trees have smaller leaves than other varieties of pecan tree.
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