Things You'll Need
One 1-by-6 pine board (8-feet long)
3/4-inch plywood
Power chop saw
Power circular saw or hand saw
Drill press
Tape measure
1 3/8-inch Forstner bit
Wood glue
Nails (size 7d)
2 woodworking clamps
Carpenter's square

Many people display flags, such as Boy Scouts and patriotic individuals. Flags are also proudly displayed on municipal buildings. There are many different methods of displaying flags. One of the more popular ways, particularly among Boy Scouts, is to build your own flag stand out of wood. In fact, many Cub and Boy Scout troops require that their new members make flag stands.
Step 1
Measure your 1-by-6 board with your tape measure. Mark the board so that you can cut two 28-inch-long pieces and six 5 1/2-inch-long pieces. Cut the boards along your marks with your chop saw or hand saw.
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Step 2
Apply glue to one side of a 5 1/2-inch-long board. Place the glued board on top of another one of the 5 1/2-inch-long boards. Set the board aside to dry. Repeat the process with two more of the 5 1/2-inch-long boards. These stacked boards will serve as foots for the flag stand. Place clamps on each of your stacks and allow the glue to dry.
Step 3
Glue the stacked wood onto either end of one of the 28-inch-long boards. Place the clamps on these boards and allow them to dry. Glue the remaining five 12-inch-long boards onto either end of the other 28-inch-long board. Clamp these glued pieces and allow them to dry.
Step 4
Place the board with the four pieces on the ground and with the board with the "longer" feet on top. Place the boards at 90-degree angles so they form an "X." Ensure that you have formed a perfect X. If you have formed one, none of the ends of the X will be any longer than any other end.
Step 5
Use your tape measure to measure two 2 1/2-inch squares, two 4-inch squares and two 5-inch squares on your plywood. Draw your measurements on your plywood with a carpenter's square and a pencil. Cut out the squares with your circular saw or hand saw.
Step 6
Draw a line with your pencil from corner to corner on each of the pieces of plywood that you just cut to determine the exact center of each piece. Drill through each of these boards using your drill press and Forstner bit. Take great care during this step to ensure that you are making your hole in the exact center of each of your boards.
Step 7
Stack the same-sized boards on top of one another and glue them together. Glue the three sizes together in increasing size order. This will make a pyramid-shaped structure when you are done. Glue this pyramid into place on your stand. You can use nails to hold the pyramid in place when the glue dries.
Make sure that you drill your holes in the exact center of the boards you are going to use for your flag base. If your holes are drilled off center, the flag pole will not slide down into the base.
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