Things You'll Need
Sharp-pointed scissors
Yarn needle
Crochet hook
Knitting needles

Maybe you got the length wrong, decided to use the yarn for another purpose, or want to turn an adult scarf into two smaller scarves for children. Whatever your reasons, halving a scarf isn't difficult and can be done quickly. You will need to resew your scarf on either side, so if you have extra yarn from the original project, it will make the project easier. But even without the extra yarn, you can still accomplish this project in a few simple steps.
Step 1
Fold your scarf in half. Lay it on a flat surface and count down two rows from the center.
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Step 2
Take your scissors and carefully snip the first stitch on the second row above the center row. Work the stitch loose until you have a 2-inch or 3-inch strand of yarn to pull on.
Step 3
Pull on the loose strand, unraveling the row. As the bottom half comes unraveled, you will see the separate stitches form. Slip each one of these newly freed stitch onto the knitting needle. This will keep them in place and allow you to easily stitch the ends. Leave the unraveled yarn attached to the work. You will use this to bind off the work in the last step.
Step 4
Lay aside the bottom section threaded on the needle. Take the top section, and pull on the freed strand. Work across the row and continue with the next row. You will see the stitches form with the second row. Slip these onto another knitting needle as you work across the row. Again, leave the unraveled yarn connected to the scarf half as you will need it to bind off in the last step.
Step 5
Bind off the row with the yarn that you have just unraveled from the first section, using your crochet hook or knitting needle. This will create a new edge. Put the knitting needle in your left hand and with your right, take the first stitch off of the needle with the crochet hook. Insert the hook into the next stitch, pull through the yarn through the second stitch and continuing into the first stitch. Leave the resulting stitch on your hook and then place the hook into the next stitch and pull the yarn through both stitches. Repeat until you reach the end. Work in the loose strand back into your knitting with a yarn needle and trim.
Step 6
Repeat Step 5 with the bottom of the top half. You will be left with a clean, neat edging that resembles a vertical line of knit stitches. This is known as a crochet bind-off and works well for holding the edge of any finished garment.
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