Homemade Drawer Freshener

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Things You'll Need

  • Dryer fabric softener sheet

  • Transparent office tape (optional)

  • Baking soda

  • Nonreactive bowl

  • Essential oils

  • Envelope

  • Muslin, 3-inch by 6 1/4-inch rectangle

  • Sewing machine

  • Dried flowers

  • Dried fruit peel

  • Orris root pieces

Homemade drawer fresheners also keep your clothes just-washed fresh.
Image Credit: bobbidog/iStock/Getty Images

Your bureau drawers probably aren't at the top of your weekly cleaning list, so they may get a bit musty from time to time. Scented drawer liners are expensive, and you still have to remember to change them regularly -- which also means emptying the drawers first and replacing all the contents. With some homemade drawer fresheners, you can drop sweet-smelling sachets into the corner and lose the fusty smell with no fuss.


Keeping It Simple

Step 1

Unfold a fabric softener sheet made for use in a clothes dryer.

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Step 2

Cut the sheet into strips slightly smaller than the depth of the drawer.

Step 3

Place the sheet along the sides, back and front of the drawer. Tape them in place if you would like to.

Raiding the Kitchen

Step 1

Measure about 2 tablespoons of baking soda into a glass or plastic bowl.


Step 2

Drip about three drops of essential oil into the baking soda. Mix it well.

Step 3

Add one drop of oil at a time for a stronger scent.

Step 4

Pour the powder into the envelope.


Step 5

Seal the envelope and place it in your drawer.

Bagging the Potpourri Blend

Step 1

Fold the 3-inch by 6 1/4-inch rectangle of muslin in half to make a 3-inch by 3 1/8-inch block.


Step 2

Stitch the long sides, using a 1/2-inch seam allowance.

Step 3

Trim the seams to 1/4 inch.

Step 4

Fold 1/8 inch on the open end toward the center. Fold it again the same amount.


Step 5

Stitch around the top of the bag, down the center of the folded fabric.

Step 6

Turn the bag right side out. Set it aside.

Step 7

Mix the dried flowers and fruit peels in a nonreactive glass or plastic bowl. You will need about 1/4 cup of combined petals and peels.


Step 8

Add four drops of essential oil to 1 tablespoon of orris root pieces. Mix it thoroughly.

Step 9

Pour the scented orris root fixative into the flower blend and mix well.

Step 10

Spoon the potpourri into the muslin bag.

Step 11

Stitch the bag closed.


For a more decorative envelope freshener, use a dressmaker’s pin to punch a pattern of holes in the envelope before filling it.

Instead of flower petals, make your potpourri with cinnamon chips, cloves and other whole spices.

To reuse the muslin bag, use a rubber band to close the top instead of stitching it.

Drop one or two drops of essential oil onto a cotton ball and tuck it into your drawer for a quick fix.


Do not use metal bowls for anything involving essential oils.


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