How to Cook Thai Red Rice

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Things You'll Need

  • Medium saucepan

  • 1 cup Thai Red Rice

  • 1 1/2 cup Water

  • Colander

  • Wooden spoon

Thai Red Rice is a whole-grain rice produced in Thailand.

Thai red rice is a a type of whole-grain rice with red-colored bran on the exterior of its kernel. Called "kao gorng" in Thai, red rice has a chewy consistency and a nutty flavor. High in fiber, Thai red rice is a good source of calcium, iron and vitamin B1. It cooks in less time than brown rice, and pre-soaking helps soften the rice and lessen cooking times. You can easily prepare Thai red rice for curries, soups and other Thai dishes.


Step 1

Soak one cup of Thai red rice with two cups of water in a medium-sized saucepan for 30 minutes. The pre-soaking will allow for shorter cooking times.

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Step 2

Drain the soaked rice into a colander. Add 1 1/2 cups of fresh water and the soaked rice into your medium saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat until the water is boiling.


Step 3

Turn down the heat to simmer and cook for another 20 minutes or until the Thai red rice is done. Be sure to stir the rice a few times during cooking. It will have a chewy texture, unlike white rice.


You can cook Thai red rice like wild rice, by adding 4 cups of water to 1 cup of rice. After 20 minutes of cooking, drain the rice in a colander.

Thai red rice does not cook that well in a normal rice cooker.

Thai red rice can be used in non-Thai dishes like rice salad or risotto.


Use caution when cooking on a hot stove. Keep children away from boiling water.


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