How to Make a C3PO Costume

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Things You'll Need

  • Vacuformed C-3PO head kit

  • White finish reflective tape

  • 6 rice battery bulbs

  • 2 AA batteries

  • Large plastic signs or plastic toboggan sled

  • Duct tape

  • 40 lb. fishing line

  • Black spandex long-sleeve turtleneck shirt and pants

  • Used computer wires (colored)

  • Male mannequin chest piece

  • Knobs from an old or broken radio

  • Super glue

C-3PO is the gold-plated talking robot featured in the Star Wars movie franchise.

Cosplaying, or costume playing, has become a popular hobby among many science fiction fans who flock to fairs and conventions around the country. Many fans go to great lengths to build accurate costumes after characters from their favorite films, television series and comic books. With Star Wars being one of the more popular titles in the science fiction universe, some of the most hardcore fans may want to create an elaborate yet wearable C-3P0 suit.


Step 1

Order a Vacuformed C-3PO head kit.

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Step 2

Paint the head a chrome-finished gold using spray paint. Allow ample time to dry.

Step 3

Apply the reflective white-finish tape to the back of the plastic eye lenses. Tape three rice battery lights to each of the lenses.


Step 4

Use two AA batteries to power the rice light switch.

Step 5

Cut your plastic sheet toboggan sled to form armor pieces for your arms, legs and back. Two plastic pieces should be made for each extremity, and one for the back.


Step 6

Paint each of the pieces with chrome-finish gold spray paint. Allow ample time to dry.

Step 7

Paint your male mannequin chest piece with chrome-finish gold spray paint. Allow ample time to dry.


Step 8

Attach the old stereo knobs to the mannequin chest piece and back using super glue. Allow ample time to dry.

Step 9

Attach old computer wiring onto the black spandex pants and shirt using super glue. Allow ample time to dry.

Step 10

Sew the plastic armor pieces into position on the black spandex shirt and pants using 40 lb. fishing wire.


Sew additional plastic pieces onto the neck or shoulder pieces to increase your costume's integrity.

Cover the black spandex pieces with wiring to increase your costume's integrity. Always opt for thrift store purchases for the armor, wiring and knobs to help decrease costs.

If on a tight budget, opt for a more generic plastic C-3PO mask.


Always spray paint outdoors with plenty of cardboard on the ground.

Children should be adult-supervised while putting together this costume.


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