Things You'll Need
Brown, twin-sized flat sheet
Sewing machine
Brown thread
Black fabric pen
Fat plastic baseball bat
Aluminum foil
Yellow or brown paper tape
Dark brown spray paint

Barney Rubble is best known as the best friend and neighbor to Fred Flintstone in the childhood classic "The Flintstones." However, you can bring this caveman to life in the twentieth century with just a little elbow grease. Making a Barney Rubble costume can be a very inexpensive and fun costume to wear to your next Halloween or costume party.
Step 1
Fold a solid brown, twin sized bed sheet in half from top to bottom. In the center of the folded seam, cut a hole big enough for the head of the person who is going to wear the costume. Don't cut the hole too big as it should just be big enough for his head.
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Step 2
Take a needle and some thread and very loosely whip stitch, starting from the bottom seam working up, the form of the costume, while wearing the costume. Be sure you stitch the front and back panels of fabric together. You will also want to be certain that you don't stitch it too close to the body. A Barney Rubble costume should be loose fitting. Stitch up the sides and the arms.
Step 3
Determine an appropriate length for the costume body and arms and mark them lightly with a fabric pen. The length of the costume should come to just below the knees and the arm length should be a couple inches below the shoulders.
Step 4
Take the costume off and sew right over your whip stitches with brown thread. Once finished, remove the thread from the whip stitch by pulling one end. In a large jagged motion cut the sleeves and bottom of the costume. Remember you can always cut more but you can't put any back, so be careful not to cut too much off.
Step 5
Invert the costume so that the sewn seam is now on the inside of the costume. Fit the costume again to make sure the body and arm lengths are appropriate. Cut again if necessary.
Step 6
Shape aluminum foil around a small fat plastic baseball bat to give it a more club-like shape. Cover the entire surface with brown or yellow paper tape so that no aluminum foil is showing. Spray paint the club brown for a more realistic look.
Step 7
No shoes are necessary for this costume, so be sure to go barefoot to make your costume complete.
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