How to Paint Galvalum

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Things You'll Need

  • Water-based degreasing cleanser

  • Coarse plastic brush

  • Pressure washer

  • Rags

  • Galvanized metal etching primer

  • 2- to 4-inch polyester paintbrush

  • Latex paint

  • Acrylic latex paint

  • Acrylic enamel

Do not use a nylon paintbrush.

Galvalume is a type of sheet steel used in a variety of applications, including roofing, siding, furniture, gutters and pipe. If you want to paint a Galvalume surface, consider a crucial point. Galvalume will reject paint unless it is properly treated. Treat the sheet steel with an etching primer, or flaking will result. Once the Galvalume is properly prepared, you may apply a painted finish. Use a specific type of brush, or the paint may dry with noticeable, unsightly flaws.


Step 1

Wash the Galvalume with a water-based degreaser, using a coarse plastic brush. Rinse the Galvalume, using a pressure washer or wet rags. Allow the Galvalume to dry for at least two hours.

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Step 2

Coat the Galvalume with galvanized metal etching primer, using a two-to-four inche polyester brush. Apply consistent, light pressure, brushing vertically. Allow the Galvalume to dry for three hours.

Step 3

Wash your brush with water.

Step 4

Coat the Galvalume with metal latex paint, using the clean polyester brush. Apply consistent, light pressure, brushing vertically. Allow the Galvalume to dry for three hours.


Finish exterior Galvalume with acrylic latex paint. Use an acrylic enamel on Galvalume subject to duress.


Do not paint unprimed Galvalume, or peeling will result.

Never use ordinary primers on Galvalume, or flaking will result.

Don't prime or paint Galvalume, using a nylon brush, or flaws will appear in the finish.


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