Things You'll Need
Roto tool
Cordless drill
PVC fitting saver

PVC is plastic materials commonly used in plumbing. The pipe is strong and does not wear or leave an aftertaste like other traditional metal pipes. PVC pipes are connected at joints or fittings. These fittings may have many joints on one fitting. The PVC pipe is glued into the joint to create a permanent hold. This "glue" is not a traditional glue as it actually creates a chemical bond with the inserted pipe. Removing a pipe from a fitting can be difficult. The easiest way to accomplish removing PVC from a fitting is having the right tools.
Step 1
Turn off the water and make sure that the pipes have been drained as much as possible prior to cutting into the pipes if the PVC has already been installed. Place a bucket, if possible, under the area that you would like to remove the fitting to reduce any mess this project may create.
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Step 2
Use a roto tool, such as a Dremel, with the circular saw blade attachment to cut the PVC pipe as close to the fitting as possible. Do this slowly as you do not want to damage the fitting by cracking it. The closer you can cut, the less work you will need to do with a drill.
Step 3
Attach the correct sized PVC fitting remover bit to the end of the power drill. These bits can be found at hardware stores and plumbing specialty stores. These bits cost between, as of January 2011, $20 and $30 depending on the size of the bit that is required.
Step 4
Insert the tip of the bit into the cut pipe. Drill the PVC. The bit will remove all of the interior PVC that is contained in the fitting. Be careful to drill straight and with as little pressure as needed to remove the interior of the fitting. You do not want to crack or damage the fitting in any way.
You may also heat a fitting with a heat gun to try to loosen the joint with a screwdriver. This is not recommended because it may damage the fitting itself. The heat combined with inserting the screwdriver may change the fitting and create leaks.
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