How to Freeze Cauliflower Soup

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Creamy cauliflower soup can be frozen with or without the milk included in it.

Making soup ahead of time and freezing it can be a great way to save time in the kitchen. After making some basic recipe adjustments to preserve soup quality, cauliflower soup is easy to freeze and can keep in the freezer for up to six months. Some cauliflower-soup recipes consist of pureed cauliflower, while others feature chunks or florets of the vegetable itself. Still other recipe variations of cauliflower soup call for a broth-based soup or a cream-based soup. Any version of a cauliflower soup can be frozen after a few basic considerations.


Step 1

Prepare the cauliflower soup according to the recipe. If the recipe calls for chunks of cauliflower, undercook any amount of fresh vegetable included in the recipe. Vegetables, including cauliflower, often become mushy after freezing and reheating. Undercooking fresh vegetables in the base-soup preparation helps to preserve the vegetable quality during freezing and defrosting. Also, if the soup is a cream-based soup, initially omit the the milk or cream from recipe and add it later when the frozen soup is reheated. There is a slight chance that frozen milk or cream can curdle during the reheating process.


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Step 2

Allow the cauliflower soup to cool completely before placing it in freezer-safe containers. Placing soup that is too hot in the freezer can cause ice crystals to form and ruin the quality of the soup upon reheating. Also, placing hot food in the refrigerator or freezer can raise the temperatures inside the appliance. This poses a dangerous spoilage risk to other foods stored in the refrigerator.


Step 3

Ladle or pour the cool soup into medium or large plastic containers or large plastic freezer bags to store in the freezer. Secure the lids to freezer-safe containers tightly and seal zipper pouches completely to help preserve the soup while it is frozen.

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