How to Make a Grasshopper Costume

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Grasshoppers can jump great distances in relation to their size. They are propelled by powerful hind legs, one of their key distinguishing features, along with big eyes, antennae and a green or brown body. You can make an inexpensive grasshopper costume suitable for either a child or an adult with just a little sewing and a few items from the craft store.


Hop down the sidewalk on Halloween in a grasshopper costume.

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Things You'll Need

  • Scissors

  • Needle And Thread

  • Green Leggings

  • Green Knit Cap

  • Fiberfill

  • 2 Pipe Cleaners – Black Or White

  • Black Leggings

  • White Craft Felt

  • Green Shirt

Legs and Arms

Step 1

Make the grasshopper's powerful jumping muscles: Cut the legs off the black leggings where the legs meet the panty. Cut each leg again at about knee level to make a tube.

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Step 2

Sew one end of the tube closed, then stuff with fiberfill and stitch closed. Add just enough fiberfill to create a soft pillow, not a thick sausage shape. Repeat with the second tube.

Step 3

Sew the black pillows to the front of the green leggings just above the knee so the pillow conforms to the shape of the thigh and covers the front of the thigh, not the back or sides.


Step 4

Make another set of black "muscles" from the leftover legs of the black leggings. Stuff with fiberfill and sew to the outside of each arm of the green shirt above the elbow.


Step 1

Make the eyes by cutting two equal circles out of the craft felt about 2 inches in diameter. Cut two 1-inch diameter circles out of the leftover pant material from the black leggings.


Step 2

Stitch the black circles to the center of the white circles, then stitch the eyes to the front of the hat and off to each side.

Step 3

Curl one end of each pipe cleaner to make an antenna, then poke the other end into the top of the hat and twist the end to secure it to the hat. Stitch in place if necessary.


Don’t cut up good clothes to make this outfit. Just take a trip to a resale shop for any missing items.

Wear an extra layer of clothes under the costume if it’s cold outside, or make the costume using sweat pants instead of leggings.

Make wings out of cardboard, spray paint them to match the color of the outfit, and attach them to the back of the outfit using fabric glue.

Customize your grasshopper with cool accessories like sunglasses or roller blades.


Make sure the wearer's legs bend easily while wearing the costume and the pillows don’t interfere with movement.


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