Things You'll Need
Large round collapsible laundry basket, cloth or large round cloth collapsible hamper
Cord (optional)
Measuring tape
Dressmaker's pins
2-inch-wide spool of grosgrain ribbon, white
High-loft batting
Adhesive fabric spray
Hair spray

Stay away from campfires, chocolate and graham crackers when wearing your handmade marshmallow costume -- or you might get toasted. Children and adults alike look adorable in this easy-to-make costume. The costume can be made from start to finish in less than an hour, but you need to allow time for the glue to dry. Wear the marshmallow costume with a white track suit, sweat suit, or white turtleneck and matching leggings.
Easy Marshmallow Costume
Prepare the Basket for the Marshmallow Costume
Cut the bottom fabric away from the collapsible laundry basket. If the basket has a zipper fabric top, cut away that portion. You should be left with a large round cylinder with no top and no bottom.
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Tailor the Basket to Your Size
Slip the basket over your head, or step into it. Make sure that it fits across your chest and hips. If it doesn't fit, cut a slit up the back and lace the pieces together with a piece of cord. Do so before moving on to the next step. This is the foundation for your marshmallow suit.
Fit the Shoulder Straps
Keep the basket on to determine the placement for the shoulder straps. The straps should rest securely between your neck and the edge of your shoulder. Place a dressmaker's pin on the top front of the laundry basket once you determine the exact placement of your right shoulder strap. Place another pin on the front for the left shoulder strap.
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Pin the Straps
Measure from the front top side of the basket to the back top side of the basket. You may need a helper to complete this step. Have your helper place pins in the back of the basket where the shoulder straps should end. Take off the collapsible laundry basket. Be careful not to get stuck with the sewing pins.
Cut the Ribbon
Cut two pieces of 2-inch-wide white grosgrain ribbon equal to your shoulder strap measurement plus 1 inch.
Sew the Straps
Sew the shoulder straps onto your marshmallow costume. Sew one end of the ribbon just underneath the top wire rim of the laundry basket on the front and back sides. Repeat to create the shoulder strap on the other side.
Measure the Basket
Measure the length and circumference of the laundry basket.
Cut the Batting
Cut a section of high-loft batting equal to that measurement. If necessary, cut several pieces of batting to equal the right dimensions to fit around the entire laundry basket.
Apply the Batting
Work in sections, whether you're using several pieces of batting or one large piece. Spray a small section of the batting with adhesive spray. Press it down onto the sides of the laundry basket. If you're using several pieces, make sure that each piece rests snugly against the one next to it.
Repeat this process until the entire basket is covered with the batting. If the seams are noticeable, spray the seams with additional spray adhesive. Pull small pieces of the cotton closest to the seams over the top of the seams and press it down onto the adhesive for camouflage.
Smooth and Spray
Use your hands to smooth out the cotton and spray it with hair spray to keep it flat and smooth.
Dry and Go
Let the basket dry per the adhesive fabric spray instructions. Wear the marshmallow costume with white leggings and a white turtleneck.
Lightly spray brown, gold and tan spray paint to the top and bottom edges of the costume to create a toasted marshmallow effect.