How to Make a Scary Exorcist Costume

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Things You'll Need

  • Nightgown

  • Blue liquid laundry detergent

  • Red food coloring

  • Green pea soup

  • Brunette wig (optional)

  • Hair Gel

  • White t-shirt or bed sheet

  • Scissors

  • White makeup

  • Dark eye shadow or eyeliner

  • Red/pink eye shadow or eyeliner

  • Thin makeup brushes

  • Toothpicks

  • Fake teeth

  • Specialty contact lenses

Make a scary Exorcist costume with a few key items and creative makeup application.

Released in 1973, "The Exorcist" film depicts the story of a young girl possessed by a dangerous demon. The ghastly special effects -- which at times include the young girl floating above her bed or spinning her head completely around her neck -- made the movie instantly popular, yet utterly terrifying. More than 30 years after the movie's release, the image of the possessed teenager remains burned in people's memories. If you are looking for a frightening Halloween costume, it is quite easy to make a scary Exorcist costume.


Step 1

Purchase an inexpensive white or light blue nightgown that falls just below your knees. The sleeves should fall to your elbows or wrists and the collar should sit high on your neck, without revealing your chest. The gown should fit your body rather loosely.

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Step 2

Mix blue liquid laundry detergent with several drops of red food coloring. The color and consistency of the final product should be similar to blood. Keep mixing the two products together until it looks like blood. Use your fingers to smear the blood onto your nightgown. Set aside the remaining blood, which you will use later.

Step 3

Open a can of green pea soup and use your fingers to smear it onto your nightgown as well. In the Exorcist movie, the young girl spews green vomit multiple times. Again, set aside the remaining soup for later use. Allow the nightgown to air dry.

Step 4

Purchase a brown wig, if necessary. Apply a liberal amount of hair gel to create stringy strands of hair. Run your hands wildly through the strands for a crazed look. The overall goal is for the hair to appear dirty and wildly messy.


Step 5

Cut an old white cotton t-shirt or bed sheet to make two long strips of fabric. Tie one strip of fabric around each wrist. In the movie, the young girl was often tied down to her bed to avoid trouble. This extra step will make it look as though you have escaped from your bed in a crazed state of mind.


Step 6

Apply a layer of white makeup across your entire face and neck. Once this layer is applied, you should have a pale and sickly appearance. If necessary, set the makeup into place with loose powder. Use dark eye shadow or eyeliner to create large shadows around the eyes. Rather than using clean and precise lines, use your fingers to smudge and blend the makeup. Line the rims of your eyes with red or pink eyeliner or eye shadow.


Step 7

Use a thin brush or toothpick to apply your homemade blood to your face. In the movie, the young girl had multiple fingernail slashes across her face. Apply the blood onto your cheeks, forehead, chin and across your nose. Smear a small amount of the green pea soup around your mouth. If desired, add additional scrapes and blood smears down your arms and near your wrists.


Step 8

Finish the look by wearing a set of fake teeth that are crooked or yellow, and a pair of disturbing contact lenses. Opt for lenses that are either bloodshot or completely white.


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