How to Make Acrylic Teeth

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Things You'll Need

  • Dental tray

  • Alginate

  • Ultracal

  • Coping saw

  • Utility knife

  • Acrylic paint

  • Sandpaper

Acrylic teeth are often used in real dental applications.

Create and customize acrylic teeth with a process similar to what dentists use to make false teeth. Make acrylic teeth in as little as two hours that are cheaper than professionally made teeth, but that are of a higher quality than novelty, fake teeth.


Step 1

Fill a dental tray with alginate and cast the set of teeth you are recreating in it. Alginate is a special dental material that does not get completely solid. Remove the alginate after three minutes of setting and place it in water to keep it from shrinking.

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Step 2

Mix some Ultracal and pour it in to the mold. Tap the mold to get rid of any formed air bubbles and then allow it to sit for 45 minutes. Separate the molds.

Step 3

Fix any rough edges with a coping saw and cut away the excess with a utility knife.

Step 4

Color the teeth with acrylic paint. Pour the paint into your mold and then dip the teeth in it. Use white paint for the teeth and a pinkish-red color paint for the gumline. Sand down any rough spots to finish the teeth.


Carve wax designs for teeth like fangs if you can't find a mold for them.


Never use plaster to cast teeth, it can cause damage to real teeth.


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