How to Protect a Shelving Unit From Dust

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Things You'll Need

  • Dust covers

  • Damp cloth

  • Air purifier

Clean or dust shelves regularly to prevent dust buildup.

Dust is a problem that every homeowner encounters on a regular basis. Dust is an accumulation of skin and hair cells, dirt, pollen, mold and other particles, and it quickly accumulates on surfaces as it blows through the air. Shelves are particularly susceptible to dust since they are flat surfaces that don't usually receive cleaning on a daily basis. Dust buildup is not only unattractive; it can also contribute to allergies and other health problems. Protecting shelves from dust requires some regular diligence.


Step 1

Cover each individual shelf with a dust cover, which is a plastic or vinyl sheath that prevents the shelf from getting dusty.

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Step 2

Keep the windows closed in any rooms that have shelving units. This helps prevent dust from blowing in from outside.

Step 3

Take everything off the shelves every other day so you can wipe down the shelving unit with a damp cloth. This prevents dust from accumulating on the shelves. Allow them to dry completely before placing items back on the shelves again.

Step 4

Use air purifiers in the rooms that have shelving units. The purifiers will collect dust out of the air before it can collect on the shelves.


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