Things You'll Need
Chemical pool shock treatment with bromine or chlorine
Pool brush
Pool test strips

The pseudomonas bacteria is common in the environment and can be virtually impossible to completely eradicate from swimming pools. With consistent attention to disinfection and hygiene, this bacteria can be controlled so that it does not cause any problems. If not controlled, pseudomonas can cause health issues, most commonly skin rashes and ear infections. Such measures as removing your swim suit and showering with soap after swimming can help prevent illness, but the bacteria must be eradicated as much as possible to truly solve the problem.
Step 1
Shock the pool with the addition of a specialized disinfecting shock treatment, available from a pool supply store. Use either chlorine or bromine shock to raise the chemical levels to 10 parts per million (ppm).
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Step 2
Scrub the bottom and the sides of the pool thoroughly. Pseudomonas may collect on surfaces and coat itself with a layer of slime, making it difficult to kill. Brushing helps to break up this protective coating and makes the bacteria more vulnerable.
Step 3
Run the pool filter for at least 12 hours. Brush the sides and bottom of the pool periodically to help to keep the water stirred up and the bacteria from settling back on the pool surfaces.
Step 4
Flush the pool filter. If your pool has a removable filter, replace it. Alternatively, you can disinfect it with a strong chlorine or bromine solution.
Step 5
Test the pool water to determine the level of disinfectant that is present. Chlorine should be at a level of between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm), and bromine should be at 2 to 5 ppm. The pH should be anywhere from 7.2 to 7.8. These levels will keep killing bacteria but are safe for people.
If you cannot get rid of the bacteria by the above-described methods, you may need to drain the pool completely. The interior should be scrubbed and disinfected. The pool should be rinsed and then refilled. You may want to get professional help for this process.
Do not use the pool until the chemical levels are in the safe range, as described on the container for the particular chemicals you are using. Entering the water too soon can cause illness or injury. Don’t allow anyone with a visible rash or other signs of infection to enter that water, as he could re-infect the water.
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