How to Make Mini Hay Bales

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Things You'll Need

  • Hay or straw

  • Box

  • Scissors

  • Raffia

Mini-hay bales are easily made and add a lovely, decorative touch to a festive meal.

Miniature hay bales can be made in just about any size and are a great addition to any harvest-themed party. They can be used as adorable table centerpieces to add a country touch to a party, or made into a decorative tableau. Larger mini-hay bales can also be made and used as decoration in the garden or as handy seats at outdoor parties and barbecues. You can obtain hay and straw at many garden stores and at farm and feed supply stores. Commercial mini-hay balers are also available for turning out large amounts of mini-hay bales.


Step 1

Chose a box of the size you would like for your hay bales. For very small hay bales, use a clean juice box and cut off one big side. Shoeboxes make good molds for medium-sized bales.

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Step 2

Cut several lengths of raffia. The raffia should be about 12 inches longer than the box. Lay the raffia inside the box, across the bottom, leaving about 6 inches hanging out at either end. Use around four to six lengths of raffia. You can also use baling twine in place of raffia.

Step 3

Place hay or straw inside the box. Layer the hay or straw and make sure it is all placed in the same direction. Fill the box to the top with the hay or straw.

Step 4

Bring the raffia strings up around the hay and tie the ends of the raffia strings together tightly to secure the hay or straw.


Step 5

Remove the hay bale from the box. Cut the ends of the hay or straw so that it is all one length and looks like a tidy bale of hay. Cut off any excess raffia.


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