Things You'll Need
Dental tray
Plaster of Paris
Coping saw
Sculpting tools
Plastic container
Release agent
Rubber gloves
Acrylic fluid
Acrylic powder
Warm water
Rotary cutting tool

False teeth aren't just for people who've lost their teeth. While dentures are the most common use of false teeth, others use them for more cosmetic reasons. They're used in child beauty pageants to hide missing teeth and as a part of special effects make-up to alter the look of an actor's teeth. Making fake teeth is a meticulous job in terms of coloring the acrylic used to make the false teeth and ensuring a perfect fit.
Step 1
Make a mold of your teeth. Prepare the alginate as per the manufacturer's instructions and fill a dental tray with the mixture. Place the tray into your mouth while sitting upright and bite down. Leave the tray in place for a few minutes to give the alginate time to set. Remove the tray, wiggling it a bit to break the vacuum if it's stuck.
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Step 2
Fill the mold with plaster of Paris. Coat the inside of the mold with a release agent to make it easier to separate the two parts later. Mix the plaster according to the manufacturer's instructions then fill the mold entirely. Tap it lightly against the table to release any air bubbles. Leave the plaster to set for approximately 45 minutes.
Step 3
Separate the two molds and remove the excess plaster. Carefully cut away the plaster using a coping saw, making sure not the damage the cast.
Step 4
Melt a thin layer of wax onto the plaster teeth. Use a small lighter to melt the wax until it becomes pliable. The wax should only cover the teeth portion of the cast. Sculpt the wax to create the shape of the false teeth. Cover the top of the gums with modeling clay to make an overflow. The overflow will ensure that the top portion of the plaster teeth is wider than the bottom (your gums curve inwards at the top) and make it easier to fit the molds together.
Step 5
Fill a small container with alginate and submerge the wax-sculpted plaster teeth into the liquid. Hold it submerged in the alginate until the liquid begins to dry. Use a spatula and sculpting tools to remove the alginate on top of the cast. Carefully remove the teeth from the mold because you'll need to use them again in Step 8. Clean up any leftover pieces of wax from the interior of the mold and the plaster teeth.
Step 6
Coat the plaster teeth with two to three layers of release agent. Let each layer dry fully before adding another coat.
Step 7
Pour acrylic fluid into the mold you made of the wax-sculpted plaster teeth. Wear rubber gloves to protect your skin. Mix it around a bit then begin adding acrylic powder into the mold to tint the color of the acrylic. It may take a few tries to find the right combination of powders to get the false teeth the right color.
Step 8
Place the plaster teeth you originally made into the acrylic-filled mold. Make sure the two molds fit together perfectly so you don't damage the acrylic teeth you're making. Place a heavy object on top of the mold for a few minutes then leave the mold to set for approximately 30 to 45 minutes depending on the acrylic's setting time.
Step 9
Separate the two molds. The false teeth will be stuck to the plaster mold so submerge them in warm water to dissolve the release agent. Be very careful while removing the acrylic teeth to ensure they don't break.
Step 10
Cut away the excess acrylic with a rotary cutting tool. Polish the teeth using ordinary toothpaste.
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