How to Store Potatoes in a Paper Bag

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Things You'll Need

  • Paper bag

  • Knife or scissors

Potatoes are a highly nutritious food.

Often underrated from a nutritional viewpoint, potatoes are an important food staple, rich not only in carbohydrates but also in vitamin C, calcium and especially potassium. Properly stored, they can last a long time in your pantry and remain available to prepare some of the best comfort foods, like mashed potatoes, and as a base for many types of soups. Paper bags are an excellent way to store potatoes; it keeps them fresh for many days without spoiling.


Step 1

Make sure the potato skin is dry. If not, like in the case of garden grown potatoes, let them dry before storing them. A wet or humid potato skin can give way to mold and make them spoil fast.

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Step 2

Cut some small holes in the paper bag with scissors or a knife to allow air passage and the proper ventilation of the potatoes. Place the potatoes inside the paper bag, close it and store it in a cool, dry and dark place, like a pantry or on a shelf in your basement, away from heat and light.


Step 3

Remove any sprouts from the skin before cooking them.

Check the potatoes daily for signs of mold, rot, green or soft spots on the skin, and discard right away if any of these are present. This is done to prevent the rest of the potatoes from spoiling and became inedible as well. If any, remove any sprout from the potato skin before using the potatoes.


The ideal temperature to store potatoes is between 45 and 55 degrees F. If no pantry or basement is available in your house, store the bag with the potatoes in the back of one of the kitchen cabinets.


Never wash the potatoes before storing them. If excessive dirt is present on the skin, gently rub with a cloth to remove it. You may remove any green spots from the skin, and still use the potato, but if green is present deeper inside the flesh, don't use it as it can be toxic.


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