People sometimes put stickers on book pages and other places where they shouldn't be stuck. It could happen when a child is playing or when an adult does it as a reminder for something. Finding one can be disturbing, but there are ways to remove stickers from books. If you do it right, the page will not stain or tear.
How to Remove Stickers From Books
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It is best not to get the pages wet when removing stickers from books. Try the least invasive method first: using your fingernail. Gently slide your nail beneath the bottom left corner of the sticker. If you can lift it, hold it between your thumb and finger and lift slowly. If the paper is too firmly attached or the sticker rips, stop.
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The next step is to get a razor blade or a very sharp knife. Hold it at a 20- to 40-degree angle and coax up the edge of the sticker in a corner. Don't peel it up from the sides; pull up from the corner at a sharp angle. For thicker paper or a book cover, you may work the blade around the edges to loosen the sticker.
Removing Stubborn Stickers From Books
If the sticker won't budge, the next step is to try using nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol. Use a light hand, only dabbing a bit of either onto a cotton swab. Lightly tap it onto a corner of the sticker and then try the fingernail or razor blade method. What if you don't want to risk using acetone on your favorite book? There are other things you can try.
Other experts like using a hair dryer to remove stickers from books. Put it on a low setting and point the dryer at the sticker. Start with 30 seconds and see if the sticker softens. Use your judgment with the heat setting and the timing and avoid using the highest heat setting. Another option is a steam cleaner, but these use moisture, so you'll need to be careful.
You might also try ironing the sticker to soften it. Put the book on a flat, heatproof surface with the sticker side up. Put a thin piece of fabric on the sticker and under the page and set the heat to medium. Gently iron back and forth over the fabric for no more than a minute, keeping the iron moving constantly. Keep checking the sticker and page, as you do not want to burn the book.
How to Remove Sticker Residue
Now, you've managed to get the sticker off, but there is a residue left on the paper. You can remove this too with a little bit of patience. Rubbing alcohol, Goo Gone or acetone can also work for this. Dab the residue with a cotton swab and only use a tiny amount at a time. Run it over the residue until it is gone and then dry the mark with a clean cotton swab. A bit of clear oil may also work, but it can leave stains.
As a final word of caution, when removing stickers from books with alcohol or other liquids, separate the page with sheets of wax paper unless you are using the hair dryer or ironing method. Before you apply anything to the page, test the product on another piece of similar paper. You wouldn't want to make the situation even worse.