How to Remove Dog Stains From Limestone Floors

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Things You'll Need

  • Clean cloth

  • Distilled water

  • Talc chalk

  • Ammonia

  • Putty knife

  • Plastic wrap

Limestone is a sedimentary rock used for building materials and flooring.

Limestone is a sedimentary rock commonly used for landscaping, building and flooring. Dog stains can be a hassle to clean up from any surface, but limestone flooring, as with most stone flooring, requires additional attention to clean properly. With the correct application of a poultice, you can remove dog stains from your limestone flooring and restore your flooring to its original and clean condition.


Step 1

Clean up any dog feces or urine as soon as you notice it. Blot the spill with a clean rag and cold water. Don't rub the stain as it could spread on the stone.

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Step 2

Make a poultice solution by adding enough ammonia to the talc chalk to form a paste with a peanut butter-like texture. If it is too thick, add an additional splash of ammonia.

Step 3

Wet the stained area with distilled water and pour the paste over the stain. Spread the paste with a bread knife or putty knife so it covers the entire stain with about a ¼ inch overlap. Don't apply the paste too thickly. Just put on enough paste so that you can't see any limestone underneath.


Step 4

Cover the paste with plastic wrap and tape the ends of the wrap to the flooring.

Step 5

Wait 24 hours and remove the plastic wrap. Check to see if the paste is dry. If so, scrape it off with the same knife that you used to apply the paste.

Step 6

Rinse the area with distilled water and wipe any remaining residue with a clean cloth.


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