How to Get Rid of Ostomy Bag Odor

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Things You'll Need

  • Mild soap

  • Damp cloth

  • Toilet paper

  • Tic Tacs

Certain foods can contribute to making odors worse.

An ostomy bag is intended to catch discharged waste from a surgical opening in the urinary or digestive tract. Though this procedure isn't optimal, it's often a lifesaving one. For those who have to live with an ostomy bag, the odor seems to only make the situation more unpleasant. Dealing with ostomy bag odor requires diligence and upkeep to keep the odors at bay. The result of the extra effort is well worth it as the ostomy bag odors can alter your intimate and social life with offending odors.


Step 1

Bathe daily and be sure to pay special attention to the stoma area and clean the skin thoroughly with a mild soap and warm water. Keeping the area clean can help eliminate bacteria that leads to unpleasant odors.

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Step 2

Empty the pouch when it is a 1/3 full. Ensure that the opening of the pouch is clean after you empty it; wipe it off with toilet paper or a damp cloth.Replace the pouch every 4 to 6 days, or sooner if you encounter a leak. Follow your doctor's instructions regarding emptying and replacing the pouch.

Step 3

Avoid foods that may contribute to odor. Cabbage, eggs, garlic, onions and spicy foods can all intensify odors and should be eliminated from your diet. If certain foods upset your stomach or noticeably worsen the smell, cut them from your diet as well.

Step 4

Place a Tic Tac in the pouch to help control odors. Be sure to use mint flavors, as the fruity Tic Tacs won't be as effective.


Step 5

Talk to your doctor about incorporating probiotic foods into your diet. That can help decrease gas by lining your intestines with good bacteria, curbing added gas odors.


There are numerous products available commercially to help combat odors from ostomy bags, such as sprays, liners and odorfree pouches. Talk to your doctor and visit a medical supply store to find what will work best for you.


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