How to Relocate a Kitchen Sink With a Concrete Slab

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Things You'll Need

  • Eye goggles

  • Spirit level

  • Cement saw

  • Jackhammer(Optional)

  • White plastic foam 1/8 inch wrap

  • UPVC (polyvinyl chloride) plastic pipe

  • 3 by 3 by 2 tee

  • Air admittance vent

  • Sealant

Moving a sink often means having to do some plumbing work.

When it comes time to renovate the old kitchen and rip out the basin in the corner and install a new upgraded two basin sink a few feet from the wall or an island sink in the middle of the room, the plumbing is most likely moored in a concrete slab in the flooring that must be taken out before the new pipes are installed and finishing work gets underway. As extra work such as air vents can make this complicated, making a detailed plan before can make the installation much easier.


Step 1

Remove all fitting and fixtures in the kitchen, such as the sink, flooring and cabinets. Remove cups and plates from cupboards if using a jack hammer because the vibrations can cause breakages. Locate the drain edge and ensure that the pipes line up.

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Step 2

Draw a line on the floor and cut a 2- by 3-inch wide trench away from the wall on the concrete slab, using a saw or jackhammer. Use a tent like temporary enclosure around the area to prevent dust from spreading.


Step 3

Match the extension pipe so that it meets the horizontal drain pipe. Cut the length of UPVC pipe, leaving an extra foot longer to be safe. Wrap the pipe with white plastic foam, covering it with about 50 percent of the foam.

Step 4

Lay the pipe in the trench and match the pipe with the drain from the old sink and with the T-shaped pipe in the new sink. Attach the AAV Vent.


Step 5

Run water through the pipes to test for leaks. Use sealant to the pipes make water tight if necessary. Pour concrete into the trench to seal it and let is stand for a few hours.


Build the kitchen sink island or cabinet separately so that you can bring in the flat pack or custom-built kitchen and fit it into place once the plumbing is done.

Check your city's building regulations before beginning work. Some cities or states have strict building guidelines and may require planning permission or a review by a building inspector.


Wear ear goggles and protective eye wear.

Remember to turn the water supply off.


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