Things You'll Need
Birch bark
Craft glue

Jewelry can take many forms and can be created using a wide variety of materials. For example, you can make a pendant or a ring from precious metals such as silver or gold, or you can make similar pieces of jewelry using the bark of a Birch tree. Birch tree bark is flexible when soaked in hot water, and can be bent readily into different shapes. Once the bark jewelry has dried, it will be permanently formed into the desired shape.
Step 1
Soak a sheet of Birch bark in a bowl of hot water for 20 minutes to soften the bark.
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Step 2
Cut a piece of the softened Birch bark to measure 1/4-inch wide and 3 inches long.
Step 3
Place the bark piece vertically onto a table top.
Step 4
Fold over the top of the bark piece by 1 inch; fold it perpendicularly and to the right.
Step 5
Fold up the bottom of the bark piece by 1 inch; fold it perpendicularly and to the left.
Step 6
Curl the middle section into a loop. This will cause the folded pieces to overlap in the center. One fold will be sticking up, and the other sticking down.
Step 7
Apply craft glue to the ends of each fold.
Step 8
Curl the glued fold that is sticking upward so that it is folded over itself and facing downward, then stick the end into the pocket that this fold creates.
Step 9
Curl the glued fold that is sticking downward so that it is folded over itself and facing upward, then stick the end into the pocket that this fold creates. This will complete a knotted Birch bark ring. The ring can also be strung onto a necklace and worn as a decorative pendant.
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