Things You'll Need
Baby washcloths
Straight pins
Artificial flowers
Clear glass vase

Washcloth flower bouquets make creative, eye-catching table centerpieces for baby showers. Not only will the arrangement last longer than real flower bouquets, the parents-to-be can use the washcloths after the baby arrives. For a customized look, choose washcloth hues that match the baby shower theme colors, such as pink and white or pastel blue and yellow. Further personalize the washcloth bouquet with a decorative vase and craft items such as ribbons.
Step 1
Set a baby washcloth on a flat surface. Fold the washcloth in half widthwise with the open end facing you. Fold the washcloth in half widthwise one more time.
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Step 2
Start at the left side and tightly roll the washcloth toward the right. Roll the washcloth at a slight angle so it resembles a petaled rosebud.
Step 3
Insert a straight pin into the rosebud to hold it together. Pull up the bottom edges of the washcloth one at a time to secure the flower shape. Make several washcloth flowers, depending on the size of the bouquet.
Step 4
Pull the blooms off artificial flower stems. Slide the stems into the centers of the washcloth rosebuds to create flowers.
Step 5
Fill the bottom of a clear glass vase with themed candy items such as blue or pink jelly beans or gummy bears. Insert the washcloth flower stems into the vase, nestling them into the candy to create a bouquet.
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