How to Make a Custom Paper Punch

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Things You'll Need

  • Rolling pin

  • Plastic wrap

  • Air-drying clay

  • Cookie cutter

  • Paper

Transform a cookie cutter into a paper punch to make homemade crafts.

You can create numerous custom paper punches from household materials without having to invest in a costly store-bought model. This design for a paper punch requires cookie cutters of your choice. With just a little preparation, you can create a two-piece paper punch that will allow you to cut through thin paper. For best results, select cookie cutters that are new and have sharp edges.


Step 1

Wrap a rolling pin in a layer of plastic wrap to prevent any clay from sticking to it.

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Step 2

Place a piece of air-drying clay on a counter or covered cookie sheet. Roll out the clay with the covered rolling pin so that it is even in height and roughly 1 inch thick.


Step 3

Select the cookie cutters you would like to use as paper punches. Press each cookie cutter into the flattened sheet of clay. Carefully remove the surrounding clay from each clay cookie piece. Place the clay cookie pieces in a warm area and allow to dry according to the manufacturer's instructions.


Step 4

Place a dried clay cookie on the counter top. Place the sheet of paper you would like to cut on top of the clay cookie. Select the corresponding cookie cutter and line it up with the clay cookie, on top of the paper.

Step 5

Swiftly punch the cookie cutter through the paper and over the clay cookie. Remove the punched paper from on top of the clay cookie.

Step 6

Repeat Steps 4 and 5 to create additional cookie punches.


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