Things You'll Need
Tape measure
2 Ramp ends, w/hardware
2 planks, 2-by-8-by-80-inches
Plywood, ¾-inch, 30-by-80-inches
2 boards, 2-by-4-by-80-inches
Screw gun
32 wood screws, 2 ½-inch

Loading ramps are convenient for moving jobs of all kinds. Not only do they let you roll a dolly loaded with boxes or appliances into a truck, but they also allow for a walkway up to the bed of a truck. Loading ramps need to be strong and durable enough for any moving job. Therefore, it's key to use strong materials like wooden planks and brackets that are designed for ramp ends. Building a loading ramp is not time consuming, and it can save money when compared to buying a ramp from a hardware store.
Step 1
Position a ramp end over the end of one of the planks. Its obtuse angle must be against the end of the plank, with its sides flush with the sides of the plank. Screw the ramp end to the plank using the hardware provided, and repeat this process with the last plank and ramp end.
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Step 2
Lay the two planks flat and parallel with their outside edges 30 inches apart. The pair of ramp ends should be on one side, and underneath the planks. Lay your plywood on top of the planks with all of the edges flush with the sides and ends of the planks. Screw the plywood to the planks so 8 screws enter each plank. They should be spaced 10 inches apart, and should enter the 4-inch center of the planks.
Step 3
Screw the boards to the sides of the planks. The ends of the boards should be flush with the ends of the planks, and one edge of each board should be flush with the bottom sides of the planks. There should be 1 1/4-inch of each boards side that rises above the plywood. This will stop you from pushing a dolly off of the ramp.
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