How to Freeze or Preserve Horseradish

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Things You'll Need

  • Paring knife

  • Vegetable grater

  • Cookie sheet

  • Parchment paper

  • Freezer bag

  • White vinegar

  • Salt

  • Glass jars with lids

Mix horseradish with mayonnaise for a meat condiment.

Horseradish is a root vegetable that is very spicy and adds flavor to meat and fish dishes. It is used alone or mixed with other ingredients to create sauces and condiments. To have a supply that lasts the winter, you can grow horseradish in your home garden and freeze it or preserve it in vinegar. Frozen horseradish lasts six months in the freezer while preserved horseradish lasts three months in the refrigerator.


Freezing Horseradish

Step 1

Peel the skin off the horseradish using a sharp paring knife.

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Step 2

Grate the horseradish with a fine cheese or vegetable grater.

Step 3

Line a cookie sheet with wax paper.

Step 4

Scoop the horseradish up with a tablespoon and place it on the cookie sheet in equal piles.

Step 5

Freeze the tray of horseradish piles overnight.


Step 6

Remove the frozen horseradish piles from the cookie sheet. Put them in a freezer bag and return them to the freezer.

Preserved Horseradish

Step 1

Peel and grate the horseradish using a sharp knife and vegetable grater. Grate 2 cups of horseradish.


Step 2

Add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the horseradish. White vinegar is fine but rice or apple cider also works.

Step 3

Add a bit of salt to the horseradish. The amount depends on your personal taste. Start with 1/2 tsp.

Step 4

Pour the mixture into clean, glass jars with tight sealing lids. Store in the fridge.


Lemon juice can be used an alternative to vinegar when preserving horseradish.


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