How to Get a Smoke Smell Out of a Sofa

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How to Get a Smoke Smell Out of a Sofa
Image Credit: Srdjanns74/iStock/GettyImages

It requires some time and a lot of patience to remove a smoke smell from couch fibers. Smoke lingers in fabric, wood and leather long after the smoke is gone, making it incredibly frustrating to remove. While you can neutralize the smell of smoke in furniture, you may need to repeat the process multiple times depending on the severity.


Remove a Smoke Smell From a Couch by Airing It Out

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The simplest method is to allow the couch to air out. If the weather permits and you have the space to do so, placing the couch outside in a sunny area for several hours is the simplest way to remove a smoke smell from couch fibers. The fresh air and the sun's ultraviolet rays will break down the odors. However, upholstery can fade under the sun, so moving the couch out of direct sunlight to an open garage or screened-in porch is best if it needs to sit for a prolonged time.

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Alternatively, you can leave the couch in place if you cannot move it. Instead, wash any slipcovers and cushion covers per the manufacturer's instructions with distilled white vinegar to help neutralize the odor. Then, remove the cushions from the couch if possible and prop them against a table leg so air can reach all sides. Open the windows and turn on a fan to help the air circulate.


Remove a Smoke Smell From a Couch With Baking Soda

People engaging in cleaning activities have used baking soda for years to absorb various odors. Typically left in the back of the refrigerator to soak up unpleasant smells, you can apply the same principle to removing a smoke smell from couch fabric.


Sprinkling baking soda over the couch should help absorb the smoke smell from the upholstery. Begin by removing the cushions if possible and set them aside where they are safe from pets or small children. Next, sprinkle baking soda over the couch, making sure to get the couch's backrest, armrests and where the cushions once sat. Then, sprinkle more baking soda over the cushions.


Allow the baking soda to sit on the couch for a couple of hours so it can absorb the smoke smell. Then, connect the upholstery attachment to a vacuum cleaner and remove the baking soda from the couch. Repeat the process and allow the baking soda to sit overnight if the smoke smell remains.


Remove a Smoke Smell From a Couch With Vinegar

White vinegar is a versatile household cleaning ingredient with all sorts of applications. When removing a smoke smell from a couch, white vinegar helps neutralize the scent instead of simply masking it. White vinegar's lower pH level alters the smoke's higher pH molecules, ultimately reducing the smoke smell. While the vinegar smell may initially linger, it will naturally dissipate as it dries.


If the couch has a removable cover, you can add it to the laundry with 1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar in place of detergent. This process will allow the vinegar to break down the smoke molecules and remove the smoke smell from the couch. Alternatively, you can neutralize smoke smells by boiling a pot of vinegar on the stove and letting it simmer for one to two hours. As the steam wafts through the air, it will help neutralize the couch's smoke smell.

