How to Make a Clothing Rack With PVC

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Things You'll Need

  • 4 pieces 1-inch PVC pipe, 36 inches long

  • 4 pieces 1-inch PVC pipe, 12 inches long

  • 2 1-inch four-way PVC connectors

  • 6 1-inch PVC "L" Brackets

Build your own clothes rack to free up room in your closets.

Closet space is at a premium in many homes. In your own home, it may often seem that you have more clothes to hang up than closet space available to hang them. If this is the case, one solution might be to be to build your own clothing rack. PVC pipe is an ideal material for this, as it is light, strong and able to fit together in many different configurations. Making your own clothing rack will provide a much-needed solution to a lack of closet space.


Step 1

Place an "L" bracket on either end of one of the 36-inch pieces of PVC pipe. The open end of the brackets should be pointing in the same direction. This is the top of the rack.

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Step 2

Insert one 36-inch piece of PVC pipe into each of the open spaces of the "L" brackets. These are the side pieces of the rack.


Step 3

Attach the two four-way connectors to the bottom of each of the side pieces. Once attached, there should be two open spaces on each of the connectors pointing at each other, and two open spaces pointing away from the unit perpendicularly.

Step 4

Insert the final 36-inch piece of PVC pipe into the open spaces of the four-way connectors pointing toward each other at the bottom of the rack. Now, you will have a 36-inch square of PVC pipe.


Step 5

Place the 12-inch pieces of PVC into the four remaining openings on the two, four-way connectors at the bottom of the rack. These are the legs of the rack, and they should be situated perpendicular to the frame.

Step 6

Place the remaining four "L" brackets onto the ends of the 12-inch pieces (the legs). Make sure that the open ends of the brackets are pointing away from the frame. These are the feet for the clothing rack.


PVC pipe can be cut to any length, so you can customize the size of your clothing rack by varying the length of the PVC pipe and following the same construction directions.


If you decide to build a bigger rack than the 36-inch-by-36-inch rack illustrated here, you will need to use thicker PVC piping to support the extra clothing.


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