How to Make Your Own Braided Chair Pad

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Things You'll Need

  • Cotton fabric

  • Scissors

  • Thread

Braiding your own chair pads can be a fun and easy experience.

Braided chair pads are a good way to use up extra fabric or just to add a cushion to your chair. Once you've mastered the chair pad, you might want to tackle a larger project such as a floor rug. They give a country, homey look to your decor, which can be quite appealing. These pads are easy to do with a basic braiding technique and cotton fabric. They can be made in heavier fabrics, which can be harder on the hands.


Step 1

Cut or tear fabric into 1 1/2-inch strips.

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Step 2

Sew the strips together into lengths 5 feet long or longer.

Step 3

Take three strips of equal length and tie them together with a knot in one end. Anchor this end to something that won't move – some people use a rubber band around a door handle.

Step 4

Start braiding the strips. At the end of the length, coil the braid and place it on your chair to see if it is big enough on all sides. If it isn't big enough, attach additional strips and continue braiding.

Step 5

Once the correct length is reached, cut off the excess and sew the ends of the braid together.


Step 6

On a flat surface, starting at the knotted end, coil the braid, sewing the coils to each other as you go.

Step 7

Sew the end of the braided coil under the rug. Cut a strip of fabric about 2-feet long and fold it in half so you have two long ends. Sew the folded edge to the chair pad on one side of the pad to create a chair tie. Create a second tie using the same method. Sew it to the the chair pad a short distance from the first tie.


Instead of stitching the strips together, you can create a slit and loop joint. Fold over the ends of two strips and cut a slit through both strips about 1/2-inch from the end. Do not cut all the way through the end of the strips when making the slit. Pull one strip partway through the slit of the other strip and then pull the tail of the first strip through its own slit. To make the coil lay flat as you sew it, allow extra braid for each row as it gets bigger.
Keep stitches somewhat loose but tight enough to keep the coil together. You can fold the strips in half to make a less raggedy look. You can choose different types of fabrics as long as they are the same weight.


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