How to Clean Hardwood Floors Before Adding Polyurethane

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Things You'll Need

  • Broom

  • Bucket

  • Water

  • White vinegar

  • Mop

Clean wood floors with vinegar before applying the polyurethane.

Hardwood floors are costly and should be maintained properly. To protect the flooring, a clear polyurethane coating is often added to seal the flooring. This reduces wear and tear and also adds a protective barrier that prevents water and moisture from seeping into the wood. Before applying the coat of polyurethane, clean the floors with a safe cleaning solution that cleans thoroughly without leaving behind residue.


Step 1

Sweep the floors with a broom to remove all loose buildup and debris.

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Step 2

Mix 1 cup white vinegar with 1 gallon warm water in a bucket.

Step 3

Dip the mop into the bucket, wring the mop out and wipe across the wood floors. Follow the natural direction if the hardwood grain while you clean.

Step 4

Let the hardwood air dry entirely before applying the polyurethane.

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