How to Retrieve a Travel Itinerary on Southwest Without a Confirmation Number

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Retrieve your Southwest Airlines travel itinerary.

Southwest Airlines provides travel itineraries with confirmation numbers to all travelers who purchase airfare with Southwest. Once you book your travel, you will receive an email from Southwest confirming your travel itinerary. Before your flight, you will need to access your travel itinerary for check-in purposes or to make changes to your reservation. For this you will need your confirmation number. If you do not have your confirmation number, look it up with the help of Southwest's website.


Step 1

Visit the Southwest Airlines website to retrieve your travel itinerary ( On the homepage of Southwest's website, click on the link to manage travel, check in online or change your reservations.

Step 2

Click on the link to "Look Up Confirmation Number."


Step 3

Select "Credit Card Number" to look up your reservation using the credit card number you used to purchase your Southwest airfare. Enter your first and last name, departure city, departure date and your credit card number. Click "Continue".

Step 4

View your reservation and your confirmation number on the results page. Keep a copy of the confirmation number for your records.
