Paas egg dyes are just as familiar at Easter time now as they've been in generations past -- the company has sold these dyes for more than 100 years. The tablet-based dyes require a little liquid to dissolve the tablet before you add water to make a dye bath deep enough to dip eggs. No matter which dyeing mixture you prefer, start with a 1-cup container so you'll have plenty of room to dip and dye hard-boiled eggs.
Standard Dye Mixture
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Set up one container or cup for each color dye bath you wish to create. Place one dye tablet into each container, pouring 3 tablespoons of lemon juice onto each tablet. Wait for the tablets to dissolve completely, and then add 1/2 cup water to each container, stirring gently to create a consistent color.
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Bold Color Boost
Vinegar turns the Paas tablets into bold, vibrant egg colors. Add 3 tablespoons of white vinegar to each tablet's cup in place of the lemon juice. Once the tablets dissolve, pour 1/2 cup of water into each container, mixing thoroughly.
Purely Pastels
If you prefer the pastel shades used for Easter and springtime color schemes, skip the lemon juice and vinegar. Instead, pour 3 tablespoons of water atop each tablet in its respective container, stirring until the color looks consistent throughout the liquid.
Dip and Dye
Color hard-cooked eggs or emptied shells by dipping them into the dye baths. Bend the metal dipping tool included with the Paas dye kit so it creates an open-ended ladle shape. Set one egg in the loop at the bottom of the ladle, and then dip the egg into one of the colored dye baths. Lift the dipper after 30 seconds or so to check the eggshell's color. If you're pleased with the shade, take the egg out of the liquid and set it into the drying stand included with the dye kit, or place it on a stack of folded paper towels on top of a cookie tray or inside a glass pan. Leave the egg in the dye bath longer for a deeper shade. Create two-tone eggs by submerging each egg halfway into one color and holding it in place with the dipping tool; then flip the egg over and submerge it halfway into another color dye bath. Then dry the egg on the drying rack or on a stack of paper towels.
Deluxe Decorating
Use the crayon included in some Paas kits -- or any crayon -- to create a wax resist before dyeing the eggs. Draw a design such as a smiley face or a monogram on the egg, and then dip it into a dye bath. Once the egg dries, rub off the wax to reveal the original egg color beneath the wax. This method can also be used to layer colors -- dip the egg into one color, then when it dries, draw on it with the crayon before dipping the egg into a darker color. For a project simple enough for young children, decorate the dyed eggs with stickers such as flowers, ladybugs or facial features.