Things You'll Need
Microwave-safe bowl with lid
Damp washcloth
Vegetable peeler
Baking sheet

Green peppers, sometimes referred to as bell peppers, have a sweet and mild taste. The skin on the peppers can have a bland taste and can alter the texture in dishes that you prepare. You cannot peel the skin off the pepper without blistering it first. Blistering the green peppers loosens the skin from the pulp. Once you blister the pepper skin, it peels easily off the produce with minimal effort.
Step 1
Rinse the green peppers under cool running water. Remove the stems and scrape out the seeds.
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Step 2
Place the green peppers into a microwave-safe bowl. Cover the microwave bowl with a tight lid.
Step 3
Place the container onto the rotating plate in the microwave. Microwave the peppers for 7 to 8 minutes on high. Allow the steam to remain in the container for 1 to 2 minutes after you remove the it from the microwave.
Step 4
Open the container carefully, because the steam can burn your skin. Allow the peppers to cool until you can handle them safely. Place them in a pan covered with a damp washcloth to make peeling them easier.
Step 5
Pull the loosened skin off the peppers once they cool completely. Rinse them under cool running water to remove any loose skin. Scrape any hard to remove skin with a knife or vegetable peeler.
Step 1
Heat the broiler to 400 degrees F. Rinse the peppers under cool running water.
Step 2
Slice the stem off the green peppers. Scoop out the seeds from the peppers.
Step 3
Place the green peppers onto a baking sheet. Place them directly under the broiler until they blister and turn dark brown or black. Check on the green peppers often. Turn the peppers with tongs so that all sides become roasted.
Step 4
Blister the peppers for 6 to 8 minutes. Remove the peppers and place them into a bowl. Cover the bowl with a damp towel.
Step 5
Pull the skin off the green peppers once they cool completely. Scrape any remaining skin off with a knife or vegetable peeler and rinse the peppers under cool running water.
Step 1
Heat the grill to high. Rinse the peppers under cool running water, slice the stem off and scoop out the seeds.
Step 2
Slice the pepper lengthwise to flatten it. Place the flattened green pepper onto the hot grill with the skin side facing down.
Step 3
Grill the green pepper until the skin darkens and blisters. Remove the pepper after the skin blisters.
Step 4
Place the peppers in a bowl to cool. Cover the bowl with a damp washcloth.
Step 5
Peel the skin off the green pepper carefully. Remove any tough skin areas with a knife or vegetable peeler and rinse the green pepper under cool water.
Blister the pepper skin on the stovetop by placing mesh wire over the hot burners. Turn the green peppers with tongs until all the sides blister.
You do not have to remove the stems and seeds before you roast the peppers, but it makes preparation easier.
Always wash the peppers before you prepare them to remove harmful bacteria that may cause a food-borne illness.
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